Cardboard tubes are ideal when you are in need of shipping or mailing an important blueprint, plan or document in paper format, and you need an encasing that will protect and maintain the quality of your merchandise.
There is an ample array of choices from were you can make your selection, based on your requirements: plain cardboard brown mailing tubes, or colored ones, triangular or squared, with cap endings or not. More sturdy cardboard tubes can also be used for protection and storing of industrial parts, fabrics, construction materials, banners or even auto parts.
Cardboard tubes of a wide variety of sizes can be found and purchased, and are usually listed depending on their length, inside diameter and thickness.
The tube ending is also a defining characteristic, as tubes can be sealed by ending caps, have a snap seal, or be pre-sealed on each end but have two telescoping pieces for product insertion.
Cardboard tubes
Cardboard tubes are designed for mailing large papers or for oddly shaped items. They have plastic caps at each end of the shipping tube that are removable to make it easier when inserting and removing the items you plan to ship.
Cardboard tubes are perfect for any office that needs to ship large paper media and don’t want to fold or crease their posters, advertisements or unframed pictures. Most Cardboard tubes, or sometimes called Cardboard poster tubes, come in round or triangular prism shapes. Cardboard tubes are preferred over envelopes when it comes to packing paper materials since they take up less room than a large rectangle box.
Postal tubes come in various widths and lengths to accommodate the item you are shipping. Usually the mailing tubes aren’t any longer than 48 inches (122 cm). Be sure to double check the length you need in a cardboard shipping tube since they are generally shorter than the actual length of the tube because of the removable plastic caps at the ends.
They also come in different colors and patterns. You may want to consider the object you are shipping and the reason before purchasing a cardboard brown color or for something exciting for a holiday or birthday. Mailing tubes also come in a heavy duty form which is designed to hold up to damage while being shipped. You might want to use the heavy duty cardboard shipping tube when shipping something internationally.
You can purchase Cardboard tubes at the post office, office supply store, shipping stores, and can be ordered online.
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